Old Fashioned Franchise Association (Wendy’s)
Old Fashioned Franchise Association (Wendy’s)
The “Offa” Mission
Our purpose is to give Wendy’s franchisees a voice. By positively representing the collective interest of the franchise community, we are reasserting the importance of franchisee involvement in the management decision making process.
We are the only independent franchisee organization in the Wendy’s system. We are dedicated to preserving the values Dave Thomas instilled in Wendy’s franchisees from the beginning and to enhancing our members’ investment and profitability. Today, we represent more than 2300 stores and we’re growing fast!
Short Term Goals
1. Increase membership so that “Offa” can represent virtually all Wendy’s franchisees.
2. Create a vehicle which can effectively deliver input into management’s decision-making process.
We want to have a voice on issues such as strategic vision, return on investment, leadership, marketing and new product development (including the regionalization of some new products) so that consideration of the franchisees’ point of view is not simply advisory, but rather is a required part of important decisions.
3. Protect the internal and external interests of franchisees.
We want to comprehensively review and formulate positions on big picture issues that have a significant impact on the franchisee community such as government regulation, education, menu “cannibalization,” etc.
4. Enhance the franchisee financial model.
We plan to combine what we learn from other systems with input from our members to propose better ways to consider, formulate and implement corporate management decisions with proper regard for the franchisees.
Ongoing Goals
The “Offa” board has identified five potential ongoing association goals.
All franchisees are invited to consider and discuss them:
1. Establishing an online conduit for unfiltered information and ongoing communication among franchisees.
2. Strengthening the Association into an organization known for representing and advocating for its members.
3. Gaining recognition by corporate management as the positive voice of Wendy’s franchisees with regard to making and implementing decisions that affect franchisees across the board.
4. Developing and implementing programs such as buying co-ops and other programs that can assist franchise owners in obtaining goods and services at lower prices or more efficiently.
5. Assisting in the development of marketing approaches that best serve the franchisee community.